One of the most unpalatable quotes of Hitler,meaning 'Living things not worthy of living' applying to many sections of the German society,specifically the Jewish,clearly reflected the willful and obdurate approach he had towards iniquity and hegemony,courtesy his paranoid and beleaguered upbringing. His father,a civil servant was a rigid,disciplinarian who beat him quite frequently which made him abandon his family.His emancipation was unsuccessful and the humongous repression that he endured for it only added to his woes.His only solace was his mother,who gave him some respite from his poignant and petrified life.
His apostasy of his father's wishes became much more prevalent when he wished to be an artist which was a bit uncanny considering the heinous acts he had committed as a supreme commander.What was more intriguing was the rejection of his application for admission in the Academy of Fine Arts on the basis that none of his paintings had living beings and even deemed him incapable.His conscience made him present a different version ,citing the presence of Jewish members in the board as the sole reason for his refusal-sowing the seeds of prejudice.cruelty and injustice which was to afflict the Jewish community with severity.
The dilly-dallying that ensued with him dithering and selling his paintings for subsistence was of particular significance to me.It was the revelation about Hitler with which I could relate.His doldrums were soon ended with inception of World war 1,where he enrolled himself in a regiment and it is alleged that his time spent in the war surviving 50 battles was the most blissful experience he had so far(quite congenial considering his horrendous antics) and made him believe that he had been destined to make an indelible contribution to history.
Hitler's father was a bastard child of a peasant working in a Jewish family and his obsession with the possibility of its corroboration was the provenance of abhorrence for the Jews. But the exorbitant acrimony was totally unwarranted.Although his narcissism and pompous attitude along with the fact that many psychologists have faced a Gordian knot analyzing his case might be amusing for many but his steadfast mindset was the one that stood out for me.
This rhetoric was inspired by a documentary on Hitler and Stalin expounding the similarities in their life but obviously I found the Hitler's part more interesting. With end sems looming in it is only natural for me to indulge in stuff I would never do in much more normal times,like documentaries and previously seen movies,as the end sem preparations always tend to become a tepid and draining experience.
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