Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Hindu Hegemony

Its been almost a month since I moved to Hindu from Times of India.After putting a sincere and diligent effort in reading its articles,its sports section,movie reviews,sometimes even the business page and my current fetish the editorials,I realized that the only good thing that has happened so far is that I have got used to such insipid but equally relevant articles and it has helped me in developing some opinion on pertinent matters.
Gone are the days when I used to begin my day with Delhi Times and HT City,scrutinizing every picture of my favorite actresses,my most anticipated movies and interviews of my most revered actors.Most importantly I used to be aware that a certain film was to be released this week or the next and accordingly work out my schedules.
Now I have to rely on for movie timings,undergo the tribulation of reading interviews of nearly extinct actors like Kader Khan and suffer the tormenting chronicles and tributes of classical artists.It doesn't even have star ratings for movies and entertains us on Sundays with its unconvincing and lackadaisical reviews.
But in hindsight I think the move to Hindu was a prudent effort on my part.Its emphasis on brevity in its articles makes me feel like I have made an effort to understand the context.Its prolific editorials are abundant with facts which for a layman like me are of immense help and still they try to balance them with their opinions and viewpoints.Their corrections and clarifications section clearly shows their modest approach which I found to be truly remarkable.
So I see no reason why coaching institutions shouldn't advise their students to opt for it.Hindu,by all yardsticks is way ahead of TOI or HT although they aren't that pathetic and are beneficial to a certain extent.It was the first newspaper in India to introduce color and again the first to go on net.But with passage of time its has rarely seen any major changes with the majority of its reporters still South Indian.
Its boring,its excruciating,was annoying initially but it's enlightening,has an impressive panache and it is here to stay.

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