However, the status quo maintained as far the mocks were concerned, in fact with side by side failures on placements and mocks I was returning to square one time and again, calling for beleaguered times ahead. May be that’s why I got addicted to a plaintive soundtrack, “Ghosts” from Requiem for a Dream. With failures came the aggravating appraisals….what happened this time???….aj bhi kat gaya?? The words “kat gaya” have a very frustrating and abysmally hurting effect. So ruefully going back home, when any of my friends asked the same annoying question as regards the reasons for the current failure, I am reminded of a gristly scene in Reservoir Dogs where Michael Madsen delightfully cuts off a bound policeman’s right ear while dancing to the tune from a very zestful song, “Stuck in the Middle with you”. The scene got revamped in my mind with me doing those things to anyone who enquires about my fuck ups, eventually showing them their mutilated ears and asking them the question…YOU STILL WANT TO “HEAR” WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME AT THE INTERVIEW???

I still remember how my friends tried to console me after observing my grim demeanor. But little did they know that instead of taking their inordinately clichéd and excruciating advises I was imagining situations in which I could just some slam their heads or like play out the Swordfish interrogation scene with John Cheadle asking for the other guy’s weight. Controlling my tempestuous responses in my mind, I continued to move on from one company to another, hoping for a sinecure job, so that I could focus on CAT. Adding vent to my quagmire, even movies and sitcoms previously considered as red herrings were losing their sheen.
Parsing each interview, looking for possible lacunae, I realized the PSUs were the worst in terms of the quality of questions asked (Difference between Macro and Function) and I myself was downright pathetic during my “Silent Treatment” during my first GD on a slightly incongruous question:”Vada Pao vs Mc Donald’s burger”. All the time I made efforts to put forward my point, expressing tacit comprehensions and when eventually asked to summarize I used words like” More or less”, therefore, the consequent rejection at Smart Cube. Even at Samsung where I managed in the last 14 student on clearing the written I didn’t write OPTMIZED CODES.

Relieving myself from the impending nadir, I reached the interview stage of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) in a sort of pyrrhic manner. I had very nugatory information about it, until it came to our campus. From all the 3 companies that came in that week, I only cleared the written for RBS. With 2 months gone since Adobe (the first company to come in our campus), preparation for a company becomes a very painstakingly insipid procedure. Fifa 2009 indeed was comforting. After clearing the written and ruminating on everything that led up to that brilliance in the 2 interview sessions instead of 3, I felt glad that I had been consistently fucking it all up until RBS considering its package and the sector the company is in which completely overhauls my CAT 2010 prospects. Now writing the volume 1 of this catharsis on my blog which I started a year ago mainly to focus on topics like recession (all those topics did help in RBS), thinking about the time to assuage my predilections which unfortunately is short-lived, reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows for the 3rd time, I feel relaxed after a long time. The agent smith aggression in the picture is just an understatement.